Tuesday, October 11, 2011

A quick visit to Musée des Arts Décoratifs

After work I want to do something cultural, so I took a quick visit to the Musée des Arts Décoratifs, which is located right next to the Louvre. I'm retracing Les Liasons Dangeureuses right now, and I was somewhat inspired by my reading material to go take a visit. I am what the French would call a dix-neuviamiste, or 19th century scholar, but I nevertheless love the 18th century as well. I took an 18th century French literature class with Caroline Weber while at Barnard that knocked my socks off! I love the opulence and excess of 18th century design aesthetics, not to mention ideologically the idea of libertinism. Anyway, le musée des arts décoratifs is huge, and as I left at 5pm and got there at 5:15 (it closes at 6), I had very little time and so had to be decisive. So I went to see the XVIII and XIX decor. I still only got through half the 19th century by the time I had to leave. This part of the museum consists of furniture, housewares, and knickknacks representative of each fashion of the given era. They have some rooms (bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens) that have been fully reassembled on site. Let me share some of my photos!

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