Sunday, October 9, 2011

Il pleut, il verse, le vieux homme ronfle!

So "it's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring' doesn't really work in French. Anyway, it's raining here, or as I like to say, its a bit plizzy. "la pluie"=rain, il pleut= it's raining, plizzy= my complete bastardization of the French language into snoop dog slang. I went to the market, as you do on Sunday. I got some green taboule, which is incredibly hard to find in supermarkets here. The French prefer the while kind of taboule, which I believe is Moroccan style. Whereas the green kind is mainly cilantro, mint, tomatoes, parsley, and a little bit of bulgar wheat, the white kind, true to it's name, is mainly bulgar with some raisins and maybe a faint afterthought of vegetables. So yay! Anyway, in one week the weather has completely turned and dropped about 30 or 40 degrees. An illustration:
Seven days ago:

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